It is a clear indication that her sexual secretion of the woman serves as feature health. Discharge during sexual intercourse, in this case, the programmed nature itself. This process is quite complicated. To understand where the norm, where is the pathology, the knowledge of what are the things that you must have. In some cases, it is recommended to contact your doctor and the ears prick up value, and sometimes discharge a report of the health right.

Features of stimulated secretions
Most often an intimacy, the vagina is moistened. The more advanced partner and the sexual impulse, the more intense is the oil that is secreted. This discolored mucus, is odorless.
Typically, the lubricating secreted in women is approximately 5 ml a day. The secret of the starts and produced increased arousal more intense. Thanks to this stimulation of sexual glands in the vaginal walls and the blood tide. Discharge during sexual intercourse, some scarce or abundant. Secrete more oil at a time is usually the peak of enjoyment.
And at the same time it performs a similar secret provides several important features:
- sex is more comfortable, easier entry and shear;
- to minimize the penetration of foreign microorganisms, germs and infections shaping protection.
Lubrication also helps to create a suitable environment the sperm during the fertile period. This increases the chances of getting pregnant.
White liquid
Women typically, there is a difference yourself during sex, white discharge, thick consistency, more cream. Related medical topics on the forums, usually no one can give a clear, concise explanation of such a phenomenon. Recommended to go many infection and clinical examination. However, experienced doctors, allegedly, and abundant white discharge during sexual intercourse, I need not to scare.
Hidden if differs a homogeneous consistency, odor and itching or burning that does cause an alarm. Gynecologists to explain a day like this particular mucus produced menstrual cycle. The background is always changing hormonal estrogen that helps one more, one less. How these ingredients, once free of mucus and responsible character.
The only lubrication her vagina produced, however, the uterus, called the cervical fluid is such a secret. Through her sperm into the egg. In other words, this storage providing seeds for her to survive in an acidic environment, a unique vagina.
Phases of the menstrual cycle
Free of air and mucus in the vagina, depends on what kind of phase of sexual intercourse from occurring. Initially a bit hidden in the cycle, with different transparent and a watery texture. During this period, formed a kind of barrier mucus in the cervical canal. Pathogenic microorganisms such traffic delays, get permission, the uterus.
With the approach of the period, the ovulation hormone level increases, the effect of the body including the sexual system. During this time, you discharge plenty of of intimacy is a normal situation. Alkaline vaginal mucus at the hands of a sticky consistency and becomes. The smell of a thick oil, egg whites, color — white or cream.
When ovulation occurs, secreted a small amount of hidden elevators. Now to understand what sexual characteristics scene mucus fertility and conception. When seeking the best fertilization to understand weather you need to pay attention vaginal mucus:

- Inadequate discharge, often observed before monthly and after them. Says dryness in the vagina fertilization is not possible.
- This sticky liquid, quickly dry, the sperm count shows that you are on your toes you have a bit of a chance.
- Slime cream, which means a similar approach, period of spawning. Then the possibility of becoming pregnant increases.
- Stringy white discharge a protein which is similar in color, signal an understanding of a high probability of.
After ovulation, cervical fluid decreases as a result of estrogen loses the ability to retain for seed. Character pre-lubrication effect and other factors:
- violation of hormonal background;
- often stress;
- drug;
- infectious disease;
- allergies;
- obstetrics;
- the disease foot.
If a large number of lubrication secreted during intimacy, this does not mean that it is a health problem. To determine the volume of mucus you need to enter two fingers into the vagina, the possibility of deep understanding, evaluate them, and liquid. The method may be informative in the absence of such as vaginal gynecological pathologies.
A strong emphasis is usually placed while sex bacterial vaginosis testimony. They are yellowish, greenish or off-white hue. Liquid emits a smell of rotten fish. A burning sensation itching and uncomfortable sincerity.
White mucus like cottage cheese yogurt to the consistency of a fragrance with the most common symptom of Thrush (candidiasis). Foul-smelling discharge, that is a sign of ten during sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
Then a lot of lubrication in sexual contact with women of a similar mixing may be due to the secretion of vaginal discharge and male sperm. Often such a mixture emits a different odor and a yellowish color egg whites. Generally, a liquid this any discomfort.
During visits to the city's sights, with abundant discharge may be associated with hypersensitivity women. Then the pathology caused by such a phenomenon. A small amount of lubrication during sexual intercourse testify to the changes in acid-base balance of microflora or corrupted. Sometimes there are no fat, hormonal dryness is the most common reason for such a failed.
Intimate hygiene
A strong current it is not torture, it should be noted that simple rules of intimate hygiene. Important to shower regularly, to clean the genital by applying custom formulas. Can be purchased at any pharmacy such medicines to protect them, to allow the normal microflora and a low canker risk.
So, always working due to mucus secreted from the vagina of intimacy sex glands. Pathologies may show the absence of liquid white approach spawning period. You need to pay attention to the secretion of air and re-color, smell and consistency is different.

If an uncomfortable itching or burning sensation, must pass the survey to visit the best doctor. In this way, the real reason excitement and uncomfortable solve the problem.